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All India Biotech Association

Business Sector: Associations, Biotech Associations

Major Product / Service: Association of Biotech Industries, Consultancy

Nature of Activities: Consultancy; A non profit Society providing common apex forum at national level to represent the interest of all those engaged in various aspects of biotechnology. It organizes workshops, National and International conferences, meetings and facilitates collaboration between industry and academia. It also plays an active role in the interaction between industry and regulatory authorities.The Association has instituted two Awards- one for an individual scientist and the other for an industrial unit.

Est: 1994

Corporate Address:
All India Biotech Association
Local Shopping Centre,
Block – EFGH,
Masjid Moth,
G.K.- II,
New Delhi
State: New Delhi

P.I.N. #110048
Phone: 011-29211487 (Direct), 29220546/547 Extn. 707
Fax: 011-29229166, 29223089
Contact Email:

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