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Advanta India Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Hybrid Seeds

Major Product / Service: Agriculture Products, Seeds

Nature of Activities: Development of products of superior technology. Conventional breeding and biotech tools for farmers to enable increase in agricultural productivity and rural prosperity.Manufacture,R & D,Marketing; Marker assisted selections in hybrid rice to develop insect resistance hybrids (collaborative research); double haploid in rapeseed-mustard, rice, maize and sun flower to fasttrack conventional plant breeding process (inhouse research).

Est: 1994

Corporate Address:
“Unicorn House”, Plot No. 3-5,
#157/5, Balaji Enclave,
Transport Road,
Near Gunrock,
Diamond Point,
Andhra Pradesh
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #500009
Phone: 040–27813205
Fax: 040–2784 2399
Contact Email: NA

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