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Ajeet Seeds Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Hybrid Seeds

Major Product / Service: Agriculture Products, Seeds

Nature of Activities: Manufacture,R & D,Marketing; Largest producer & processor of hybrid cotton seeds in India.. Have an original, well-documented bank of more than one lakh germplasm of fiber crops, cereals, oil-seeds & vegetables. Research on various aspects of plant breeding and testing is carried in different crops. The company has generated colour cotton seeds, tissue culture and gene transfer technology.

Est: 1986

Corporate Address:
Ajeet Seeds Ltd
Tapadiya Terraces, 2nd Floor, Adalat Road, Aurangabad Maharashtra
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #431001
Phone: 0240 – 2323016, 2332572, 2333933
Fax: 0240 – 2333335, 2333927
Contact Email:

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