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Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare, Agriculture, Environment, Probiotics, Bioremediation

Major Product / Service: animal health products, pet products, pet food, aquaculture products

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R & D, Marketing; Manufacturing, marketing and technical services in biotech applications in animal health and nutrition industry.Enhanced bioavailability of micro minerals, bio remediation of pond bottom in shrimp ponds, ammonia and toxin binders, bacterial & fungal probiotics and prebiotics.

Est: 1983

Corporate Address:
Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd
IS-40, KHB Industrial Area,
Yelahanka New Town,
State: Karnataka

P.I.N. #560 064
Phone: +91 – 80 – 28462055 ( 319 )
Fax: #VALUE!
Contact Email:

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