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TCG Lifesciences Limited

Business Sector: . Health-care

Major Product / Service: Discovery research services; Clinical research & development services; Enterprise informatics services:

Nature of Activities: TCG Lifesciences offers a new paradigm of cutting edge drug discovery and development platform whereby the R&D process is seamlessly transitioned from ‘bench to bedside and back’, and laboratory data easily accessed and managed across the product development lifecycle. Services are provided in the areas of integrated discovery, medicinal chemistry, synthetic chemistry, parallel synthesis, molecular modeling, molecular biology & gene expression, assay development & screening, animal studies & in vivo pharmacology, DMPK studies, kilo scale synthesis.

Est: 1998

Corporate Address:
TCG Lifesciences Limited
Block BN, Plot No 7,
Sector V,
Salt Lake City,
West Bengal
State: West Bengal

P.I.N. #700091
Phone: 91-33-2367 3151/52/53
Fax: 91-33-2367 3058
Contact Email:

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