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Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited

Business Sector: Bio-energy

Major Product / Service: Services Industry

Nature of Activities: NFCL carries out research and development in various areas with special interest and focus on energy area for energy conservation through development of renewable energy sources, alternate feedstocks to reduce the energy costs etc. The main areas of research focus are Biofuels, green chemicals, Polysilane chemicals, plant nutrition products, nutraceuticals etc. NFCL has business interests in two major sectors namely Agriculture and Energy. Under agriculture NFCL is mainly involved in the manufacturing of Fertilizers and Chemicals, Agrichemicals, Plant Protection Chemicals, Plant Nutrients, Irrigation materials.

In the energy business, NFCL has interests in Oil Refineries, Thermal power, Hydropower, Photovoltaic’s (Solar Energy) and Renewable Raw Material & chemicals etc.

Est: 1973

Corporate Address:
Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited
Nagarjuna Hills,
Andhra Pradesh
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #500082
Phone: 91-40 23357200 / 23357204 / 23356414 / 23356418
Fax: 91-40 23354788
Contact Email: NA

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