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Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd (Tissue Culture Unit)

Business Sector: Agriculture, Hybrid Seeds, Transgenic Plants

Major Product / Service: Agricultural and Engineering equipments

Nature of Activities: Manufacture,R & D,Marketing,Consultancy; Mass propagation of quality planting material of banana (10 million/year), virus indexing, molecular biology, onion hybrid seeds production, R&D for system development of Jatropha curcas, sugarcane, teak, garlic, Australian teak and banana hybrids.Development of micropropagation system for biofuel plant (Jatropha curcas), ornamentals, banana hybrids, bamboo, garlic, teak etc. involved in DNA fingerprinting, enzyme assays and soil improvement plan.

Est: 1994-95

Corporate Address:
Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd (Tissue Culture Unit),
7th Kumtha Estate,
Kumtha Street,
(Opp. Winsdor Hotel)
Ballard Estate,
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400001
Phone: #VALUE!
Fax: 91-22-22621177

+91 – 22 – 226 211 77, 226 411 77
Contact Email:

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