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Gentek Agro Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare, Herbal Extracts

Major Product / Service: Herbal Drugs, Herbal Cosmetics, Herbal Extract, Ayurvedic Product

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R &D; Developed various herbal/botanical/natural ingredients for cosmetics/health care, pharmaceuticals / neutraceuticals and agrochemicals industries. The ingredients are made available in the form of actives, extracts, oils, oleoresins and herbal powders. Contract
R & D.

Est: NA

Corporate Address:
Gentek Agro Pvt Ltd,
105, Heera Panna Indl. Estate,
Goregaon (East),
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400063
Phone: 91-22-28756309
Fax: 91-22-28752535
Contact Email:

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