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Cadila Healthcare Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare, Vaccines, Recombinant Therapeutics

Major Product / Service: Sugar free gold, nuralite, sugar free nutra etc.,

Nature of Activities: Manufacture,R & D,Marketing; Development of biogeneric products for reputed, semi-reputed markets. Development of novel biologics, development of in vitro & cell based assays for screening of molecules. Development of several biogeneric products for Indian and International markets, development of follow on biologics, non-infringing and patentable processes for biogeneric products, cell based assays and in vitro assays for screening of compounds.

Est: 1952

Corporate Address:
Cadila Healthcare Ltd
‘Zydus Tower’,
Satellite Cross Roads,
State: Gujarat

P.I.N. #380015
Phone: 91-79-26868100-20
Fax: #VALUE!
Contact Email:

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