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Zydus Research Centre

Business Sector: Healthcare, Vaccines, Recombinant Therapeutics

Major Product / Service: Healthcare products., API to formulations, animal health products and cosmeceuticals

Nature of Activities: Manufacture,R & D,Marketing; Working on research areas of New Chemical Entities, New Drug Delivery Systems, therapeutics proteins and vaccine by rDNA technology and identification and validation of therapeutics targets. The operations include pharmaceuticals (formulations and bulk drugs), diagnostics, herbal products, animal healthcare and skincare products and antibacterials, cardiovasculars, anti-inflammatory, gastrointestinal and biologics therapeutics segments


Corporate Address:
Zydus Research Centre
Cadila Healthcare Ltd.
Zydus Tower,
Satellite Cross Roads,
State: Gujarat

P.I.N. #380015
Phone: 91-79-26868100
Fax: 91-79-26862365
Contact Email:

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