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Yashraj Biotechnology Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare, Diagnostics

Major Product / Service: Laboratory based research & development:
CRP, HBsAg-Ay, HBsAg-Ad, MPO-in validation

Nature of Activities: Manufacturing of native sourced diagnostic antigens. Development of in-house technology for new products, the products under R&D are Myeloperoxidase (MPO), proteinase-3 (PR-3) and HBcAg.

Est: 1999

Corporate Address:
Yashraj Biotechnology Ltd,
Plot No. C-232,
TTC Industrial Area,
Navi Mumbai,
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400705
Phone: 91-22 2768 1949/ 6226 / 6285
Fax: 91-22 27686087
Contact Email:

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