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Vikram Seeds Ltd

Business Sector: Services, Equipments, Instruments and Media

Major Product / Service: Hybrid Seed

Nature of Activities: The company is a sub licensee of Mahyco-Monsanto India Ltd. for the development of transgenic cotton hybrids (development four bt cotton hybrids viz., VICH-5, VICH-9, VICH-11 & VICH-15 containing cry 1ac gene, of which large scale trials for VICH-5 & VICH -9 have been organized in centre and south zone during kharif, 2005. Seed production for 100 ha. for each hybrid has been organised for commercial marketing during kharif 2006. Incorporation of cry X gene in the parental lines of hybrid is in progress). Multilocation trial for VICH 11 & VICH 15 been organized in the centre during kharif 2005 Conventional cotton hybrids viz., VICH-31, VICH-33, VICH-55, VICH-501 have been developed.

Est: 1982-83

Corporate Address:
Vikram Seeds Ltd,
209, Ashwamegh Avenue, Nr. Mithakhali Underbridge, Navrangpura, AHMEDABAD – (Gujarat – India)
State: Gujarat

P.I.N. #380009
Phone: 91-79-26400089/90
Fax: #VALUE!
Contact Email:,

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