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Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt Ltd (Ventri Biologicals, Vaccine Division)

Business Sector: Healthcare, Vaccines, Diagnostics

Major Product / Service: Animal Health, Polutary vaccines, Incubation system , farm feeds

Nature of Activities: Development of new products, change in processes and changes in existing seeds. R&D activities are related to increase in the yield of vaccines, use of proper strain for vaccine production. Manufacture,R & D,Marketing; Manufacturing of poultry vaccines in tissue culture, in SPF eggs and fermentors.

Est: 1971

Corporate Address:
Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt Ltd,
Venkateshwara House,
S.N. 114/A/2,
Pune-Sinhagad Road,
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #411030
Phone: 91-20-24251530-41
Fax: 91-20-24251077, 24251060
Contact Email:

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