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Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare,Services, Recombinant Therapeutics, Diagnostics

Major Product / Service: Pharma, Formulations, API

Nature of Activities: Focuses on clinical pharmacokinetics, Phase I and Phase II clinical trials on investigational new drugs INDs, Phase III and IV clinical studies, bio-equivalence studies for generic drugs. Clinical research has conducted clinical trials of several molecules including nocorandil, repaglinide, rosiglitazone, clopidogrel & sildenafil in the recent past.

Est: 1972

Corporate Address:
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Off. Ashram Road,
State: Gujarat

P.I.N. #380009
Phone: 91-79-26585090/3060
Fax: 91-79-26582100
Contact Email:

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