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Sunglow Biotech

Business Sector: Agriculture, Plant Tissue Culture

Major Product / Service: Foliage Plants, Flowering Plants, Commercial Crops

Nature of Activities: Manufacture; Production of plants through tissue culture technique crops : cordylines, banana, bamboo, phormiums, limoniums, ficus, syngoniums, philodentrons, cardamom, spathiphyllums. The company is experienced in more than 150 varieties of ornamentals, flowering foliage and bulbatious plants. Contract production for oamental and flowering plants.

Est: NA

Corporate Address:
Sunglow Biotech,
12/14, Perur Main Road,
Vetapatti Post
Tamilnadu, India
State: Tamil Nadu

P.I.N. #641 007
Phone: 91-422-6538546
Fax: 91-422-2455950
Contact Email:

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