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Saf Yeast Co. Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Process Industry

Major Product / Service: Yeast strains etc

Nature of Activities: Selection of better strains of yeast for bakeries. Development & selection of strains resistant & tolerant to bread preservatives. Alternate fermentable substrate other than molasses. Manufacture,R & D; Yeast strain development, biocomposting.

Est: 1981

Corporate Address:
Saf Yeast Co. Pvt Ltd,
419, Swastik Chambers, Chembur,

419/420, 4th Floor, Swastik Chambers, Sion Trombay Road, Near Swastik Park, Chembur, Mumbai .
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400071
Phone: 91-22-25223364/70
Fax: 91-22-25221435
Contact Email:

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