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Reliance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd (RLS)

Business Sector: Healthcare, Agriculture, Process Industries, Bioinformatics, Services, Plant Tissue Culture

Major Product / Service: Molecular diagnostic, Diagnostic service, Blood plasma and recombinant protein products

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R & D, Marketing; Research in various domains of biotechnology viz. medical biotechnology, plant biotechnology and industrial biotechnology. The medical biotechnology initiative covers cell biology (stem cells and tissue engineering), therapeutic proteins and gene therapy.

Est: 2001

Corporate Address:
Reliance Life Sciences,
Dhirubhai Ambani Life Sciences Center,
R-282, TTC Industrial Area of MIDC,
Thane-Belapur Road,
Navi Mumbai,
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400701
Phone: 91-22-67678000
Fax: 91-22-67678099
Contact Email:

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