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Phalada Agro Research Foundations Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Process Industries, Services, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides

Major Product / Service: Spice, coffee, medical herbs

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, Marketing; Export of organic spices and medicinal herbs. Organic agri inputs, biocontrollers & biofertilizers, organic farming. Protein & enzyme extraction, isolation of agro-friendly microorganisms & propagation.

Est: 1999

Corporate Address:
Phalada Agro Research Foundations Pvt.Ltd.
Kannalli, Segehalli Cross,
Magadi Rd, Bangaluru,
State: Karnataka

P.I.N. #560091
Phone: 91-80 2853 6762/ 63 / 64
Fax: 91-80 2853 6760
Contact Email:

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