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Palamoor Seeds Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Hybrid Seeds, Transgenic Plants

Major Product / Service: hybrid seed industry

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R & D, Marketing;Transfer of Bt genes resistant to bollworms to potent cotton varieties which can be released or used for hybrid production.. Development of new varieties/hybrids in field crops, biotechnology aspects.

Est: 1990

Corporate Address:
Palamoor Seeds Pvt Ltd,
K-1, Muncipal Complex,
New Town,
Andhra Pradesh

H.NO.1-3-159/6, Beside Sudarshan Function Hall
Rajendranagar, Mahabubnagar,
Andhra Pradesh, India
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #509001
Phone: 91-8542-220 273, 223 653
Fax: 91-8542-222 629
Contact Email:

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