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Maps (India) Ltd

Business Sector: Process Industries, Enzymes

Major Product / Service: Enzymes

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R & D, Marketing, Consultancy; Manufacturing and development of industrial enzymes of bacterial and fungal origins using solid state and submerged fermentation for use in textile, leather, protein, brewing, detergent, food, animal feed, starch, effluent treatment and pharmaceutical industry. Development of microbial culture by traditional screening methods to isolate enzymes for novel applications, development of transgenic microorganisms using classical approach, mutation & selection and gene manipulation by site-directed mutagensis. Improvement of enzyme production techniques.

Est: 1975

Corporate Address:
Maps Enzymes Limited (Formerly Maps (India) Ltd.)
302, Shapath-3,
Near GNFC Info Tower,
S.G. Road,
State: Gujarat

P.I.N. #380054
Phone: 91-79 26859971-74
Fax: 91-79-26859975
Contact Email:

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