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Krishidhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Business Sector: Agriculture

Major Product / Service: Vegetables, Field crops, pulses, Paddy, cereals etc.

Nature of Activities: Engaged in R&D activities in agri-biotechnology area; Creation of transformation events in crop plants, design of new genes, marker assisted selection, protocols for quality assurance, etc.

Est: 2006

Corporate Address:
Krishidhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.,
7th Floor, Tower-15 / Cybercity /
Magarpatta City / Hadapsar
Pune –
Maharashtra, India.
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #NA

411 013
Phone: 91-9422927499 /
91-2482- 222700 /
91-2482- 222600

+91 20 26742600
Fax: 91-2482-222611

+91 20 26742800
Contact Email:

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