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Imgenex India Private Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare,Animal Biotechnology, Monoclonal Antibodies

Major Product / Service: Tissue Culture Products

Nature of Activities: R & D; Development and commercialization of novel research reagents for cell biology, immunology, neurobiology and infectious disease research. Dissemination of knowledge & know-how in related areas through scientific collaborations.Development of antibodies against molecules involved in critical cell signaling pathways and against infectious agents etc.,validation/modification of antibodies to suit different applications/test system and monoclonal antibody production using hybridoma technology.

Est: 2001

Corporate Address:
imgenex India Private Ltd,
E-5, Infocity,
KIIT Post Office,
State: Orissa

P.I.N. #751024
Phone: 91-674-2743265 / 3296544 / 6544320
Fax: 91-674-2741046
Contact Email:

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