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Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt. Ltd

Business Sector: Animal Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Services, Equipment, Instruments and Media

Major Product / Service: health care, herbal, diagnostic products, animal care products

Nature of Activities: R & D; Marketing & distribution of consumables used in molecular biology, biotechnology & tissue culture labs. Full fledged lab to test various products for troubleshooting. Developed certain PCR based molecular diagnostic kits for HCV, HIV & tuberculosis. Developed teaching kits (PCR based) for College level education.

Est: 1992

Corporate Address:
Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt. Ltd
then above address
State: New Delhi

P.I.N. #110015
Phone: 91-11-4502-7000
Fax: 91-11-2541-9631
Contact Email:

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