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Fortune Biotech Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides

Major Product / Service: Agriculture Products

Nature of Activities: R & D; Manufacture and marketing of biopesticides, neem extract and herbal extracts. Has exported to countries like USA, Italy, Chile and Kenya. Extracting and formulating Azadirachtin (neem extract) which is very effective against more than 300 insect species as an antifeedant, repellent and as an insect growth regulator.

Est: 1993

Corporate Address:
Fortune Biotech Ltd.
6-6-125, Annam Gardens,
Kavadiguda,Secunderabad –
AP, India.
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #500 038,
Phone: 91-40-27531726
Fax: 91-40-27536089
Contact Email:

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