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Euphoric Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare, Antibiotics

Major Product / Service: formulators of drugs like Antibiotics, Antitubercular drugs, Anthelminitics, Antidiarrhoeals, NSAIDS, Anxiolytics and Nutritional Supplements.

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, Marketing; Manufacturiing and marketing of drugs like antibiotics, antitubercular drugs, anthelminitics, antidiarrhoeals, NSAIDS, anxiolytics and nutritional supplements.

Est: NA

Corporate Address:
Euphoric Pharmaceuticals Ltd,
5th Floor,
Gedore House,
51-52 Nehru Place,
New Delhi
State: New Delhi

P.I.N. #110019
Phone: 91-11-41607060
Fax: 91-11-41607061
Contact Email:

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