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Dalmia Center for Research and Development

Business Sector: Healthcare

Major Product / Service: Research and Develop and to provide Healthcare Products

Nature of Activities: R & D; Development several products in the area of agriculture, medicine, harm reduction and FMCG sectors. The products have been licensed out to Dalmia Health Care and Dalmia Consumer Care. HPTLC finger printing of important plants used in Ayurveda and Siddha for drug development; development of new formulations for important diseases like HIV, cancer, erectile dysfunction etc; herbal formulation in the treatment of Hepatitis-C.

Est: 1990

Corporate Address:
Dalmia Center for Research And Development
B133,134, Paripoorana Estates, Post
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
State: Tamil Nadu

P.I.N. #641 010
Phone: 0422-2605216, 2607688
Fax: 91-422-2607688
Contact Email:

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