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Celestial Biolabs Ltd (CBL)

Business Sector: Bioinformatics, Healthcare, Process Industries, Software Tools, Recombinant Therapeutics, Enzymes

Major Product / Service: herbal products, with identification of raw herbs, scientific data, market & trade data, monographs, policy, laws, good manufacturing practices, DNA finger printing etc

Nature of Activities: R & D . Develop anti-cancer peptides; artificial anti-mitotic/anti- tubulin compounds with a selective activity on tumor cells.

Est: 1997

Corporate Address:
Celestial Biolabs Limited
Plot No : 59, Road No : 12, APIIC Tech Park, IDA Nacharam,Hyderabad.
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Phone : + 91 40 23540008

Fax : +91 40 2354 2844
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #500076
Phone: 91-40 -23540008, 23552799

+ 91 40 65552697
Fax: 91-40- 23542844
Contact Email:

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