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Biological E. Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare, Vaccines

Major Product / Service: Biological, Pharma

Nature of Activities: Development of recombinant proteins, bacterial vaccines and viral vaccines. Manufacture,R & D; Development of tetravalent dengue vaccine, staphylokinase, erythropoietin and H1N1 vaccine. Biological E Limited also produces paediatric vaccines like DPT, TT and ATS and has growth plans to expand into new generation vaccines by focusing on combo vaccines.

Est: 1953

Corporate Address:
Biological E. Ltd,
18/1 & 3,
Andhra Pradesh
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #500020
Phone: 91-40-30213999 , 91-40-27617831 / 27617835 / 27615134
Fax: 91-40-27615309 / 27616715 / 27630307
Contact Email:

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