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Best Biotek Research Labs Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Services, Contract Research Organization

Major Product / Service: Teaching Kits,Reagents/Microbial Culture Media Techno Wares
Pharma Enzymes & Extracts

Nature of Activities: Laboratories for protein purification, tissue culture, microbiology, immunotechnology, biophysical chemistry where PCR amplification, genetic engineering, raising polyclonal antibodies purification and detection of antibodies, pregnancy kits, HPLC and GLC analysis are carried out. R & D, Consultancy; The company is engaged in the field of bioservices, training, consultancy and contract research.

Est: 2001

Corporate Address:
Best Biotek Research Labs Pvt Ltd,
#221, 2nd Floor, 9th Main, (Opp BSNL Customer Service centre), 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore,
State: Karnataka

P.I.N. #560041
Phone: 080-41210147/ 58, 65903079
Fax: 080-26632175
Contact Email:

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