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Basarass Biocon (India) Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides

Major Product / Service: Neem based pesticides,pathogens, Biofertilizers, etc.,

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R & D, Marketing; Manufacturing and marketing of biopesticides and biofertilizers. Increasing the shelf life of biopesticides, identification of new potential microbial biopesticides, development of mass production techniques for new microbes.

Est: 2000

Corporate Address:
Basarass Biocon (India) Pvt Ltd,
No 9-A, 6th Main Road,
Sri Ayyappa Nagar,Virugambakkam,chennai-
Tamilnadu, India.
State: Tamil Nadu

P.I.N. #600 092
Phone: 044-24864264
095512 17700 / 095512 17711/
Fax: 044-24794750
Contact Email: /

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