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Auroprobe Laboratories

Business Sector: Healthcare,

Major Product / Service: Services, Diagnostics

Nature of Activities: R & D, Consultancy; Research and development: standardizing molecular diagnostic assays and developing inhouse protocols, new assay and kits eg :molecular diagnostic assays for Leishmania and dengue fever, undertaking contract research including clinical trials. PCR assay kits developed for: Indian Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis currently used at molecular diagnostic testing facility of Auroprobe Laboratories, Hepatitis B Virus-technology transferred to J. Mitra & Co. Ltd., HSV-1 &2,
HLA B-27, Trichomonas vaginalis PCR currently being used at molecular diagnostic testing division.

Est: 1999

Corporate Address:
Auroprobe Laboratories,
C-229, Defence Colony,
New Delhi
State: New Delhi

P.I.N. #110024
Phone: 011-24332757 &

Fax: 011-24332757
Contact Email:

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