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Abott India

Business Sector: Pharmaceuticals

Major Product / Service: Locally developed brands like Digene, Cremaffin, Epilex, Zolfresh and Obimet, and also brought global products including Brufen, Prothiaden, Ganaton, Sevorane, Thyronorm and Leptos to Indian consumers. Abbott’s pioneering products like Survanta help infants. Abbott has built expertise and leadership in primary care therapeutic areas like Gastroenterology and Paincare. Specialty areas include Neuroscience, Metabolics and Hospital Care

Nature of Activities: Diversified health care company devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical, diagnostic, nutritional and hospital products.
Healthcare solutions through its business units: Primary Care, Speciality Care and Hospital Care.

Est: 1888

Corporate Address:
Abbott India Limited
3-4 Corporate Park
Sion-Trombay Road
Mumbai – 400 071
Country : India
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400 071
Phone: 022- 67978888
Fax: 022-67978920
Contact Email:

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