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Magene Life Sciences Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Healthcare,Services, Recombinant Therapeutics

Major Product / Service: Invitro Assays to screen putative drug candidates, Batch Release Assays for Biotherapeutics, Bio Similars

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, R & D; Development of technology for biotherapeutics, screening of novel chemical entities for receptor binding studies, functional assays, invitro ADME, Caco2 cell permeation assay, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays, biotransformation for chirally pure APIs.

Est: 2002

Corporate Address:
Magene Life Sciences Pvt Ltd,
1st Floor, Akash Ganga,
Plot No. 144,
Srinagar Colony,
Andhra Pradesh
State: Andhra Pradesh

P.I.N. #500073
Phone: 91-40-23756739-41
Fax: 91-40-23755826
Contact Email:

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