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Leadinvent Technologies Pvt Ltd

Business Sector: Bioinformatics, Software Tools

Major Product / Service: Clinical services

Nature of Activities: R & D; LeadInvent is a spin off from the Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, IIT Delhi (SCFBio). a life science company dedicated towards novel drug discovery.

Est: NA

Corporate Address:
Leadinvent Technologies Pvt Ltd,
Technology Business Incubation Unit (TBIU)
Near IBM Research Lab
IIT Delhi,
New Delhi

Leadinvent Technologies Pvt Ltd,
2nd Floor, Biotech Centre
University of Delhi, South Campus
Benito Juarez Road
New Delhi
State: New Delhi

P.I.N. #110 021
Phone: +91-11-24119241
Fax: NA
Contact Email: NA

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