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Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Environment, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides, Bioremediation

Major Product / Service: Fertilizer products

Nature of Activities: Manufacture, Marketing; Manufacturing and marketing of biofertilizers and bioremediation. Focussed on the treatment of discontinuous effluent from nitrophospate plant and studies on biological denitrification process using microbial culture in collaboration with MS Baroda University.

Est: 1976

Corporate Address:
Gujarat Narmada Valley
Fertilizers Co. Ltd.
P.O. Narmadanagar,
Dist. Bharuch,
State: Gujarat

P.I.N. #392015
Phone: 91-2642-663626
Fax: 91-2642-247128

Contact Email:

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