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Excel Industries Ltd

Business Sector: Agriculture, Environment, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides, Bioremediation

Major Product / Service: agro chemical intermediates, Phosphorous Trichloride

Nature of Activities: R & D; Engaged in production and marketing of biopesticides, soil enricher and bio products. The biotech division of Excel has developed biodynamic products and processes for dealing with environment and biotech problems encompassing municipal solid waste, putrescible wastes from the agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture industries, sewage sludges, industrial waste streams and contamination of soils and waters by hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.

Est: 1941

Corporate Address:
Excel Industries Limited
184-87, S.V. Road,
Jogeshwari (West),
State: Maharashtra

P.I.N. #400102
Phone: 91-22 – 66464200
Fax: 91-22 – 26783657
Contact Email:

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