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BioCOS Life Sciences Private Limited

Business Sector: Bio-medical devices and instruments

Major Product / Service: iMNET,ChIpAnalyst,GeneAnnotation,System

Nature of Activities:  BioCOS aims to be among leading Bioinformatics Company for building and delivering algorithmic solutions to extract and discover innovations from high throughput OMICS data and imaging based life sciences.

 Developing novel and efficient technologies to analyze, mine, and integrate multidimensional data (i.e., transcriptomics & proteomics) to aid disease diagnosis and drug discovery research in pharma companies and research organizations.
 To be a leader in developing chip embedded computing technologies to analyze large scale image data to enable quick applications in life and medical sciences.

 Leader in developing softwares for multidimensional cellular and molecular images (like immuno histochemistry cellular images, MALDI- protein and small molecular profiling images) to aid drug and biomarker discovery research.
 To be an interface between academia-industry research partnerships through developing patentable innovative technologies to facilitate translational research in above mentioned areas.

Est: 2008

Corporate Address:
Biotech Park ( Behind 3M)
Electronics City, Phase-1
Bangalore, Karnataka
State: Karnataka

P.I.N. #560100
Phone: 080 28 523 930 / 929
Fax: 080 28 523 929
Contact Email:

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